Solar Panels Rejected Amid Fears Of Using Up All The Sun

Woodland, N. Carolina has rejected a proposal for a solar farm following public concerns using   up the sun and bringing cancer to their town.

Members of the public expressed fears and mistrust about a proposal to allow a solar company to build a solar farm off a local roadway.


During the Town Council meeting, Bobby Mann, said solar farms would suck up all the energy from the sun and businesses would no longer go to Woodland, the Roanoke-Chowan News Herald reported.

Jane Mann, a retired science teacher, said she was concerned the panels would prevent plants in the area from photosynthesizing, stopping them from growing.

Adding insult to scientific injury, Ms Mann went on to say that she had seen areas near solar panels where plants had turned brown and started to die because they did not get enough sunlight.

She also questioned the high number of cancer deaths in the area, saying no one could tell her solar panels didn’t cause cancer.

The area around the town of Woodland had become a popular choice due to the fact it has an electrical substation allowing the panels to be connected to the national grid system.

A spokesperson for the solar power company Strata told the meeting: “There are no negative impacts. A solar farm is a wonderful use for a property like this. The panels don’t draw additional sunlight.”

In a stunning conclusion, the council then voted three to one against rezoning the land and later voted for a moratorium on future solar farms.


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