A woman in Carlsbad, California is suing police, after an officer punched her in the face while arresting her over an alleged seatbelt violation.
The New York Daily News reported on a police brutality suit brought by 40-year-old Cindy Hahn, who was arrested and beaten in 2013, as her two children, ages 7 and 11, watched.
According to Hahn’s complaint, on July 31, 2013, she and her children were leaving a birthday party when they came upon a vehicle which was unoccupied with its alarm blaring.
Police cruisers with their lights flashing surrounded the vehicle, but officers were allowing the alarm to blare. When Hahn — whose father is a police officer — asked an officer on duty why police weren’t shutting off the car alarm, the officer — identified in court documents as Officer Kenyatte Valentine — reportedly told her to mind her “own fucking business.”
Hahn used her cell phone to call the police non-emergency line to complain about Officer Valentine’s behavior. As she drove away, Valentine pulled her over, claiming she wasn’t wearing her seatbelt. He and another officer pulled her from the vehicle and pinned her to the ground.
Read the full article at RawStory.com
For once, police brutality not initiated because of racism. Congratulations law enforcement, you have graduated from racism into just plain stupidity.
When are they going to realize that PEOPLE CAN SEE THEM?!
This blows my mind…
that’s terrible…thank god we have smart phones to capture all this police violence. maybe one day officers will be punished for getting out of control each time whether it be a minority or woman.
wow that’s unbelievable…beating a woman? what lengths to these officers need to go to feel like men?