I’m late for work. It wasn’t this way when I left the house – but now a flotilla of school buses has the jump on me. I’m thinking that if I step...
Conjuring Racists: The Case of Sam Harris
Sam Harris, author and podcaster, is a racist. Or so some of his opponents would have you believe. In reality, Harris isn’t a racist. Not even c...
Dallas Police: Patsy For A Larger Problem
No day with shooting is ever a good one, but in the Land of the Gun, it’s just another day—another officer involved shooting. Today, it’s the turn of ...
Hedge Funder Buys Drug, Raises Price by 4000%
Under fire for buying the rights to a 62-year-old drug and raising the price from less than $20 all the way to $750, former hedge fund manager Martin ...
Why America Loves The Death Penalty
Oklahoma’s botched execution of convicted killer, Clayton Derrell Lockett in April 2014, proves once again that America, or at least the bottom ...
Health Care: The Patient Is Already Dead
Americans are brainwashed. We believe everything about our country is “the best in the world” – even in the face of evidence to the ...
No Heroics, Thank You.
Less than a minute after US Airways Flight 1549 to Charlotte, N.C. took off, Captain Sullenberger reported a “double bird strike” and aske...
How “Elitist” Should A President Be?
It’s almost that time again, when America gets to decide who’s going to lead this great nation. With this being the third election I am pr...