Another shooting, this time Texas, yada yada. And here’s your complete step-by-step guide to how to deal with it. • Fox News must state that now is th...

America’s Yellow Peril: The Scourge of School Buses
I’m late for work. It wasn’t this way when I left the house – but now a flotilla of school buses has the jump on me. I’m thinking that if I step...

Conjuring Racists: The Case of Sam Harris
Sam Harris, author and podcaster, is a racist. Or so some of his opponents would have you believe. In reality, Harris isn’t a racist. Not even c...

Conspiracy Theorists Gone Wild
There are conspiracy theorists, and then there are conspiracy theorists. There are those who think that there may be more to the JFK association that ...

Time to Amend the 2nd Amendment – Las Vegas Special
Although we’ve come to expect a fairly regular edition of Massacre in ‘Murka, few expected that the record set by the Pulse nightclub shooting of R...

Barrier Reef Bleaching: Zero Recovery For Some Areas
More ocean warming in Australia, more coral bleaching on the Great Barrier Reef. And while there is a theoretical prospect for recovery if the tempera...

The Elephant and the Donkey: A Parable
There was once an grand elephant who, as he grew old, developed a malignant tumor. Being a proud creature, the elephant refused to seek help, thinking...

Dallas Police: Patsy For A Larger Problem
No day with shooting is ever a good one, but in the Land of the Gun, it’s just another day—another officer involved shooting. Today, it’s the turn of ...

The Orlando Massacre at Pulse: Let Us Pray
In the wake of America’s worst mass shooting, right here in Orlando, a few folk have asked me why I am so anti-religion and anti-prayer in this...

Guns or Lives?
Another day, another massacre. This time, Orlando. This time our friends. We always knew that it was just a question of time. “Our thoughts and ...