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Guns Don’t Kill People – They Just Make It Easy
Another shooting, this time Texas, yada yada. And here’s your complete step-by-step guide to how to deal with it. • Fox News must state that now is th...
The Elephant and the Donkey: A Parable
There was once an grand elephant who, as he grew old, developed a malignant tumor. Being a proud creature, the elephant refused to seek help, thinking...
Fox News ‘Terrorism Expert’ Just Arrested For Fraud
On Thursday, a man named Wayne Simmons was arrested by the FBI for what the agency called “major fraud” — lying about having worked for the Central In...
How Stupid Are Republicans? Stupid Enough to Send Trump $4 Million
Trump has said it a million times. He doesn’t want any campaign money. He doesn’t need it. He’s self-financing. “I’m ver...
Gun Violence
Conspiracy Theorists Gone Wild
There are conspiracy theorists, and then there are conspiracy theorists. There are those who think that there may be more to the JFK association that ...
NASA Deals Religious Final Death Blow. If only…
So there’s water on Mars – and the smart money, is on Life. It was just a matter of time. The significance of yesterday’s announcement by...
Kim Davis Should Stay in Jail
Kim Davis, the Kentucky clerk who refused to issue marriage licenses to gay couples, is in jail – where she belongs. Because given the option, she wou...
The God Delusion
“The God of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving, c...
Sexual Politics
Why This Guy Is A Stupid Fuck
Houston, you have a problem. Many of your citizens have been obsessing. Not about things that matter, like global warming or international terrorism, ...
Men: The Real Reason You Are Circumcized
Circumcision is genital mutilation, pure and simple. Most countries don’t practice this form of cutting, and unless you have a medical condition...
The Cruelest Lie: Christians still insist gay people can change
After all the recent progress in understanding human sexuality, some Christians still don’t, or won’t get it. Worse, they continue to perp...
The Law
Cops Out of Control. Again.
A woman in Carlsbad, California is suing police, after an officer punched her in the face while arresting her over an alleged seatbelt violation. The ...
Medical Marijuana Growers Get Jail Time
On Friday the three remaining defendants in the Kettle Falls Fivemarijuana case, which involves Washington residents who grew their own medicine in a ...
Pope Fails to Prevent Georgia Execution
Last night, the south continued its relentless death-dealing march into the past. While the rest of the civilized world has long since abandoned bibli...
Dallas Police: Patsy For A Larger Problem
No day with shooting is ever a good one, but in the Land of the Gun, it’s just another day—another officer involved shooting. Today, it’s the turn of ...
Hedge Funder Buys Drug, Raises Price by 4000%
Under fire for buying the rights to a 62-year-old drug and raising the price from less than $20 all the way to $750, former hedge fund manager Martin ...
Why America Loves The Death Penalty
Oklahoma’s botched execution of convicted killer, Clayton Derrell Lockett in April 2014, proves once again that America, or at least the bottom ...